Vi bjuder tillsammans med vår partner Trend Micro härmed in er till en WebCast där FBI berättar om hur de tycker att ett SMB-företag (Small & Medium Businesses) skall tänka när de skall skydda sig mot online-hot. Den är av naturliga skäl på engelska. Datumet är den 3 december klockan 20:00 svensk tid.
We invite you to participate in a 1-hour FREE webcast titled “How to Safeguard SMBs from Online Security Threats.”
Participants will learn from an FBI Cyber Security Analyst about Internet security best practices for small and medium businesses (SMBs) and hear real-world case studies.JD Sherry, Trend Micro Vice President of Solutions and Technology, will interview the FBI Security Analyst and discuss the lessons to be learned from the National Cyber Investigation Task Force.
The current cyber threat landscape reveals that SMB organizations, often with smaller IT staffs and very limited budgets, need to be prepared to handle increasing threats—from disgruntled insiders to nation-state terrorists to profit driven cyber criminals.
Join us for this LIVE webcast to learn how your organization can prepare for and stop these threats. Please note that this webcast will only be offered LIVE and will not be recorded.